Artificial Intelligence Literacy for inclusion in the digital age

The project initiative arises in an environment highly influenced by technology and digitization that has taken off as a result of the mobility restrictions imposed by the pandemic situation. Lockdowns have occurred in most European countries, for weeks or even months, forcing an unwanted isolation that has led most European adults to increase the use of technologies. In this context, training deficiencies have become even more evident, which to a large extent affect all facets of life in a transversal way when it comes to the use and interaction of artificial intelligence.

ArIN's aim is to improve the level of digital competences of European adults, including
in the area of Artificial Intelligence, capacitating them with the necessary skills and competences to adapt to a changing and increasingly digitalised world. It intends to do so by seizing the potential of ICT and game-based education, in order to design engaging and motivating training resources addressing the adult audience.

Read more about the project on the project's website: