Yoga for asylum seekers

Plats Nyköping

Welcome to a beginners course in Yoga to reduce stress for asylum seekers.

Boka nu

We will need LMA number, coordination number or TUT number when you make the application. You can not apply the course if you have got a Swedish personal number.

Book the course:
To book the course, contact: or

Send your contact information and your LMA number (if you have one – if not leave the field blank). Please do remember to get back to us with your LMA number or TUT number as soon as possible when you have got it.

Who can take the course?

The course is at a basic level and is suitable for everyone, young and old. This form of yoga is aimed at those who want to find inner peace, increased mobility and get a more balanced energy. Take the opportunity to take this yoga course and learn more about yoga and how yoga can affect our entire body.


Yoga can lead to increased energy, mobility, strength and balance as well as a strengthened nervous system. Yoga reduces stress and reduces muscle tension. In the course, we learn, among other things, how the positions can counter anxiety and stress, give us more physical and mental strength and strengthen our calmness system. You get a toolbox with exercises that can regulate and balance your nervous system and reduce stress.

Course content

In the course, you get to know yoga in a calm and safe way. We will train simple and basic positions and combine with simpler breathing techniques. We slowly build up with slightly more challenging movements, but always with options. In the course, we will test relaxation exercises such as body scanning and meditation. 

Course structure

The course is held once a week, a total of 6 sessions. Teaching takes place in small groups of a maximum of 9 participants.

Course leader

My name is Caroline, who is taking the course, and I come from Nyköping, but have lived and worked in Stockholm for 10 years. After my behavioral science education, I worked as a health coach. I further trained as a certified breathing Qigong instructor, Power Qigong instructor and Mindfulness instructor. This was during a time in my life when I myself discovered what a good effect I got from conscious breathing and movement as well as training in mental stillness. I continued to work with new arrivals with mental and physical illness where, in addition to nature-based rehabilitation, I practiced Qigong, Yoga and Mindfulness as a form of treatment. Again, the positive results were very clear. After this, I continued to further my education in trauma-adapted yoga (TAY) and also take the course - breathing QiGong and a shorter course in Mindfulness.


Caroline Sterner

Caroline Sterner har en utbildning inom beteendevetenskap och har under flera år arbetat med olika hälsofrämjande insatser.

"Efter min utbildning arbetade jag som arbets- och hälsocoach, där jag stöttade både arbetssökande och kollegor i att hitta jobb/utbildning och genomföra hälsofrämjande insatser. Därefter fortsatte jag som projektsamordnare i ett naturbaserat rehabiliteringsprojekt för nyanlända med psykisk ohälsa. Förutom min samordnande roll höll jag i yoga, qigong, mindfulnessklasser samt hälsosam matlagning som en del av aktiviteterna.

Under denna period vidareutbildade jag mig till certifierad instruktör i andnings-/5 elementens Qigong, Power-Qigong samt mindfulness. Min yrkes- och fortbildningsresa sammanföll med en tid i livet då jag själv tränade yoga och upplevde positiva effekter av träning i medveten andning, långsamma kontrollerade rörelser och mental stillhet. Kombinationen av yoga, qigong och mindfulness med naturbaserad rehabilitering ledde till märkbara förbättringar i deltagarnas välmående, både fysiskt och psykiskt, och gjorde det till en viktig del i rehabiliteringen. Av vikt var dock att anpassa rörelserna/metoden efter deltagarnas olika funktionsvariationer.

Min resa fortsatte därför med en utbildning i traumaanpassad yoga (TAY), där yoga används som metod för att minska stressrelaterade symptom. Traumaanpassad yoga bygger på traumaforskning och evidensbaserade yogametoder, med varsamma och kroppsbaserade övningar."

Läs mer här:

Caroline Sterner

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Kontakta Folkuniversitetet i Södertälje

5 nov 2024 - 17 dec 2024
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tis 5 nov 2024 kl 16:00-17:00
  • tis 12 nov 2024 kl 16:00 - 17:00
  • tis 19 nov 2024 kl 16:00 - 17:00
  • tis 26 nov 2024 kl 16:00 - 17:00
  • tis 3 dec 2024 kl 16:00 - 17:00
  • tis 10 dec 2024 kl 16:00 - 17:00
  • tis 17 dec 2024 kl 16:00 - 17:00
Fruängsgatan 22, 61131 NYKÖPING
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