Beginners’ course
The course is aimed at people age 18 and over and it's held in English, but you can choose to act in Swedish or in English.
The goals of the course are to prepare you for casting, e.g. for TV and film work or for social media, to develop your acting technique and to help you feel more relaxed when acting in front of the camera.
Educational format
Under the guidance of the two course leaders, we study all the steps and prepare you for the entire filming process. The course leaders collaborate during the course and share their different skills; acting training, directing and the technical aspects of performing in front of the camera, etc.
The two course leaders collaborating to ensure that the participants benefit fully from the course. You can read more about our course leaders at the bottom of the page.
The focus of the course is on the relationship of actors to acting and the relationship in front of the camera. The emphasis is on improving your understanding of how your acting is recorded by the camera and how directing works. Another important element of the course is learning from each other’s work.
Part of the course will be based on script analysis to maximise the potential of scenes. Everyone receives a scene of their own to learn and perform in front of the camera.
Course contents
We practice seeing and listening to each other. Theory is comebined with practical work and we cover, among other things:
- scene analysis
- role analysis
- performance in front of the camera.
Special conditions – Consent
An essential element of the course is that we perform different scenes in front of the camera. At the end of the course, the filmed scenes are sent to the course participants. Please note that if we do not receive your consent, you will not be able to participate in the parts of the course that are filmed.
Course materials
The acting training is inspired by method acting as well as by Stanislavsky, Strasberg, Chekov and Aartaud, who are often used as sources of inspiration in schools such as The Actors Studio and TYSCH in New York.
All the course participants are given their own scene to learn in the first class, which they then work on in small groups. Bringing your own material to class is not only possible but welcomed. In order to gain the maximum benefit from the course, both individually and as a group, it is extremely important that you learn the scripts by heart.
Added value
The scenes that you learn are filmed, and when you have completed the course, you will receive the raw footage, which you can use in your own showreel if you like.
Acting in front of others may make you nervous at first, but we will work on that as well. Our teachers are good and let everyone develop at their own pace.
Course break
The course will have a break on February 25.
Continuation possibilities
All of our acting courses offer continuing courses where you can further develop your skills. Please talk to your couse leaders about continuing opportunities.
Samuele Caldognetto
Samuele Caldognetto, director, actor, and teacher. Samuele has taught both Italian and theatre at Folkuniversitetet since Autumn 2009 and is highly regarded by his students. In 2009 he also started the English-speaking theatre company of Stockholm: SEST.
Samuele was born in Milan and grew up in Italy where he studied theatre at the universities of Florence and Milan. He trained as an actor with the theatre group La Compagnia di Proteo and then went on to study directing and began working as an assistant direct in the same group. Samuele has worked with several theatre productions and has been a theatre teacher since 2002.
In 2001 he directed his first play, "La Calza idiota". In 2005 he founded the cultural association "Isenzatetti" where he is still active and for which he is the artistic director, director, actor and set designer. For three years, he directed plays at famous theatres in Milan, among them "Don Quixote & Donna quijota "," Il buio oltre il sogno "and" Happy Days" by Samuel Beckett.
Samuele moved to Stockholm in 2009 and shortly after this founded the Italian theatre group TeaterPi, whose first play "La Signorina Papillon" was performed at Teaterverket in June 2010.
Samuele Caldognetto, regissör, skådespelare och lärare
Samuele undervisar både i italienska och teater på Folkuniversitetet sedan hösten 2009 och är mycket uppskattad av sina deltagare.
Samuele föddes i Milano och är uppvuxen i Italien där han har studerat teater vid universiteten i Florens och Milano. Han började utbilda sig till skådespelare med teatergruppen La Compagnia di Proteo. De följande åren började han studera regi och började arbeta som regiassistent i samma grupp. Samuele har arbetat med flertalet teaterproduktioner och som teaterlärare från 2002.
År 2001 regisserade han sin första pjäs, ”La calza idiota. År 2005 startade han kulturföreningen ”Isenzatetti” där han fortfarande är aktiv och för vilken han är konstnärlig ledare, regissör, skådespelare och scenograf. I tre år har han satt upp pjäser vid kända teatrar i Milano som t.ex. Don quijote & Donna quijota”,” Il buio oltre il sogno” och “Happy days” av Samuel Beckett. Samuele flyttade till Stockholm 2009 och bildade kort därefter den italienska teatergruppen TeaterPi, vars första pjäs La signorina Papillon spelades upp vid Teaterverket i juni 2010.

Paolo Capelli
Paolo Capelli is a video maker and photographer who studied and developed his career in London. He has worked on many projects, including advertisements, short movies, music videos, interviews, fashion, and portraiture photography.
Paolo is a Polyglot and a musician, and he puts them together in songwriting.

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