Course Goals
After finishing the A1 levels you should be able to make yourself understood and understand others in simple everyday situations.
There is no need for prior knowledge of the Swedish language, however you should be familiar with the latin alphabet.
In this course you will, among other things, learn to introduce yourself, talk about yourself (family, hobbies, studies, work, etc.) and make purchases in Swedish. You will practice pronunciation and read simple dialogues and short texts, as well as understanding spoken Swedish. You will learn the basics of Swedish grammar, for example, word order, tenses, the conjugation of nouns and adjectives, pronouns and prepositions.
- We work on all language skills, but we focus on oral communication.
- The language used by our teachers is Swedish, however English can be used to make the introduction easier.
- You will actively participate during the lessons and exercises in pairs and small groups.
- You will need to set aside a few hours of practice at home before each lesson following the introduction.
- We have a limit of 16 participants.
Recommended Next Course
After level A1 part 1, you should continue with A1 part 2.
Course Literature
Rivstart A1+A2 text book (3rd Edition) chapters 1-3 (P Levy Scherrer, K Lindemalm, Natur och Kultur 2023). We also recommend that you buy the exercise book (övningsbok). Course literature is not included in the fee. We recommend that you wait until you receive the notice that the course is starting before buying the book(s).
The course runs for 6 weeks and starts on Monday, April 7th with a 3-hour lesson with a 15-minute break each week. The last lesson takes place on May 19th.
Note! No lesson in week 16 because of Easter break.
Important Booking Information
The last day to register is one week before the course starts. Although it is possible to register after this date, we need a minimum number of participants to run the course. So make sure to register a week before the start date to ensure the course takes place. Payment is required at the time of booking. If you have a foreign bank card, please contact the language department to request an invoice instead.
Do you need a different setup? Contact our language department:
Jennifer Wahlberg
-Att vara en del av andra människors utveckling är det absolut bästa med läraryrket.
För mig är det bästa med läraryrket att få träffa människor med olika bakgrund och vara en del av deras utveckling. Genom att träffa människor av varierande åldrar, bakgrunder och erfarenheter har jag lärt mig otroligt mycket.
Genom att lära av varandra växer vi tillsammans. Det är viktigt för mig att alla känner att de kan påverka sin undervisning så att den passar målen de själva har med sitt lärande.
Jag är legitimerad lärare i ämnena svenska som andraspråk och engelska och har självklart ett intresse för språk. Jag har undervisat människor i olika åldrar – barn, unga och vuxna. Jag utbildade mig vid Umeå universitet och tog examen sommaren 2023. Jag undervisar i svenska som andraspråk på Folkuniversitetet i Umeå.

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Kontakta Folkuniversitetet i Umeå