Åsa N Åström
Verksamhetsutvecklare Danshälsa
Åsa N. Åström är dansare, koreograf och utvecklare av Danshälsa på Balettakademien i Stockholm. Hon är utövande danspedagog i Danshälsa med klasser i bland annat Dans för Parkinson, Neurodans och Dans genom Klimakteriet.
Hon är i grunden professionell dansare, både internationellt och nationellt, i danskompanier och som frilans samt som koreograf. På Balettakademien utbildar hon nya pedagoger i Dance for PD, och är certified Dance for PD® teacher. Åsa är även verksam i kommittén Dance for Health IADMS, International Association for Dance, Medicine and Sience. Hon är en av grundarna av nätverket Dans för Parkinson Sverige och aktiv i flertalet projekt inom området Danshälsa/Dance for Health.

Joakim Stephenson
Joakim is a freelance choreographer and teacher based in Stockholm, and has been a recurring teacher at Balettakademien since 2017, specializing in ballet, composition, and adult classes.
Joakim Stephenson was trained at the Royal Swedish Ballet School (1983–1991) and joined the Royal Swedish Ballet in 1991, becoming a soloist in 2007. He was a member of Ballet Monte Carlo (2008–2009) and later guested with the Hong Kong Ballet after his retirement in 2016.
He co-created the Gotland International Dance Seminar in 2005 and has staged Alexander Ekman’s ballets for companies including the Joffrey Ballet and Stanislavsky Ballet. As an ABT Certified Teacher, Joakim has taught at Cincinnati Ballet, Istanbul State Ballet, Estonian National Ballet and Vanemuine Ballet among others.
Joakim’s choreography includes works for the Royal Swedish Opera, Kulturhuset in Stockholm, and various dance schools in Stockholm, Göteborg, Istanbul och Liège. Notable projects include choreographing Loreen’s "Statements" for Eurovision and creating a dance film for Princess Estelle’s Cultural Foundation. He has also choreographed works screened at international film festivals.
A certified Dance for Parkinson’s leader, Joakim leads classes for Dance for Parkinson’s, Dance for Health, and Dance for Cancer. He has lectured on the theme "Dance as an intervention to improve quality of life for people living with dementia”, latest at the IADAMS conference in 2024. Joakim has also completed advanced academic courses in dance and ballet education and courses in neuroscience, and dance health, latest Dance in Cancer Care Introductory Training in Liège November 2024.

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