
Poppius Journalism School is a non-profit foundation. The board consists of experienced journalists, economists and other persons with experience in the business.

Poppius role in society: We offer an alternative to other educations and provide the tools so that students can realize their journalistic ambitions.

Poppius in the future: We should, in a changing media society, be seen as a freestanding and flexible school that educate independent and credible journalists.

Poppius statement: We offer courses that are in tune with current times.

Poppius values: We teach responsible journalism and focus on the student by a personal approach.

Financial goal: Poppius is a foundation that should be run without accepting contributions from the state or businesses. Any surplus should go back into the operation.

Focus areas: To work for satisfied students, meet the needs of the business, to have the perspective of the media recipient, to secure a high competency among the teachers and take part in the public debate.