Well known school with a good reputation
Poppius is the oldest journalism school in Scandinavia. The school offers part time courses in practical journalism and is suitable for anyone who wants to work with journalism within the journalistic field.

Our courses give a broad introduction to journalism as a profession and we provide a base for anyone who wants to work as reporter, editor, researcher, web journalist or freelance journalist.
The school is run as non-profit foundation and is entirely financed by student fees. From the turn of the year 2022/2023, Poppius is run in collaboration with Folkuniversitetet.
Poppius, which has a good reputation within the media sector, was founded in 1947 by the journalist Set Poppius. There are numerous former Poppius students who work within the profession today.
Contact us:
Phone: +46 8 789 42 48
Email: info.poppius@folkuniversitetet.se
Postal address:
Kungstensgatan 45
Box 6901 Stockholm