Apply to SFI in Landskrona, Höganäs, Karlskrona, Ronneby, Svalöv or Ystad

We’re excited that you want to study at SFI Folkuniversitetet. Complete the form below to apply.

What happens after you submit your application?

Your application will be received by our administrator. We will contact you within two working days and give you more information.

Within about 4 weeks, you will be ready to start studying SFI with us.

Do you have any questions?

Please contact us. We are happy to help you!
042-38 56 23

Read more about Personal data, GDPR

Note: You need to live in or close by Landskrona, Ronneby, Svalöv, Höganäs, Karlskrona or Ystad to be eligible for our online/distance SFI courses. Also, you must have a Swedish personal identity number (personnummer)

To apply, fill out and submit the form below.

You need to live in or close by Höganäs, Karlskrona, Landskrona, Ronneby, Svalöv or Ystad to be eligible for our online/distance SFI courses. Also, you must have a Swedish personal identity number (personnummer)
Jag ansöker till/I apply for:
Talar du engelska?/Do you have a good knowledge of English?
Har du vana av att studera?/Are you accustomed to studying?
Har du vana av att arbeta med dator?/Are you accustomed to using a computer?